
Material Master and Material Master records

From MM point of View ( Plant, Purchase Organization, Storage Location) there are 4 types of Material Master records
1) Material Master
2) Vendor Master
3) Purchase Master Records
  • Purchase Info record
  • Source List record
  • Quota record
4) Service Master

Overview of Material Master data (selected fields/screen):

Basic data (1 and 2) : Data will be stored at client level
  • Order Unit: This unit can be different from material unit
  • Variable Order Unit: When active, this will change the Purchase Order in other than basic order unit
  • Plant Specific Material status: Used to block a material for a particular plant. (Indicate the valid date for blocking)
  • Purchasing group: A floating entity, can procure material for any plant or company.
  • Post to inspection Stock: At the time of goods receiving system will suggest us that to post this material to quality inspection. If we want we can directly post it to unrestricted use stock.
  • GR process time: The number of days required to place the goods (material) in storage location after the completion of QI
  • Purchase Key Value: Reminds us of shipping instruction and under and over delivery tolerances.
Plant data /storage location:
  • CC physical Inventory ind : used for cycle count. Select any choice from ABCD. NOTE:If CC fixed is selected the system will not accept other inventory procedures.
Accounting 1:
  • Valuation Class: Valuation class makes it possible to
- Post stock of material of different material types to same G/L account.
- Post stock of materials of same material type to different G/L account.
  • Moving Avg price: Externally procured materials are usually of moving avg price.
  • Standard price: Semi-finished and finished types are usually of standard price.
For Non-valuated materials there is no account view.

Some key transaction for Material Master:

MMSC: Collective entry for Storage location.
MMPV: Close period for Material Master record.
MMRV: Allow posting to previous period.
MMAM: To change the material type ( like from Raw to semi-finished and so on)
Note: we cannot change the material type if a PO already exist or if the material is valuated or if a contract or schedule agreement already exist.
In this case the option would be to issue the stock to cost center or scrap (temporarily as a dummy issue) and make the stock balance as zero. Then we can change material type, and reverse the stock posting from cost centre to stock.
Before the above option is carried out make sure to close all the open Purchase Orders and Purchase Requisitions.

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